1. INTI Online Languages. The name says it all. So, it has to have a website, right?

Indeed, INTI is an online language school, and the web is our tool for promoting our courses but also hosts our many study resources including the platform for the self-study ones. I see the web as a reflection of the hard work, passion and long experience of the INTI entire team in language training. We are a Spanish school first but now offer training in English and German … and have more languages in mind.

2. So, the web and technological part is very important?

INTI is passionate about excellence in the teaching of Spanish, English and German. And the web is one more tool and one of the channels to be able to enjoy training. We have 100% self-study online courses but there is also personalized tutoring with a teacher or the hybrid method where you combine both options. My main role, as a web developer, is to capture on the web everything that the INTI team works on, designs, creates, studies and transmits to me efficiently and in an enviable work climate and environment. We make a great team.

3. The website is multi-language. Is it necessary to do the job more than once?

Luckily no, the web is developed in WordPress and with the best utilities to create the courses and the rest of the content. So, it can translate material into several languages “without too much effort”, though it’s always important to check the content as technology and “computer goblins” can play tricks on you! Ha ha!

4. WordPress, that’s an easy, well-running template, right?

In theory, yes, but the INTI web is pretty “made to measure”, with teamwork in which the design and creativity part plays an important part. WordPress is still the platform par excellence for developing a website, but then there is a lot of work behind it and it is not only a matter of putting in plugins and configuring them, you have to know which one to choose, how to implement them and be able to resolve any conflict or customization that is not intuitive and guided.

5. Are other tools or technologies used outside of WordPress?

Of course, the teaching team has years of experience creating their own content on platforms such as Genially, Learning apps, Canva and others.

6. Have you learned any languages developing the web?

I have improved my Spanish remarkably hahahahahaha! The truth is that when I’m developing the exercises, even though already have the answers, I usually end up doing them myself and don’t imagine that I always get 100% right! So, you always end up learning things… What I do see is the enormous work behind the creation of a language course, especially when all the contents are original.

Thank you very much JC!
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