Inglés para niños y jóvenes

for kids


We all have heard that learning a language is easier when you are little. Our mission at Inti is to inspire children with a love of English that will last a lifetime. The key is to make lessons fun and productive and this is achieved through high-quality materials based on real-world topics that children and teens are really interested in, and, above all, fantastic teachers. Entrust Inti with this vital moment in your children’s English-speaking journey. You don’t need us to tell you how important this skill will be for their future in our global world.

Lessons are adapted to the kids’ level, school needs and also their age – we have short 30-minute sessions which are ideal for our youngest students. Lessons can be shared between friends and siblings – just contact us to set this up.

Price of each token -30 minutes per lesson-
from 12,60€
You choose the amount of tokens you want to purchase!


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This course includes:

total immersion
only English is used in lessons

you decide:
number of hours and times

tools and resources

video conferencing with Zoom
(no downloads)

all levels (A1 - C2)

continuous assessment of learning

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1 token = 30'

Trabajamos con tokens para las lecciones en vivo. Un token (ficha) es para una lección de 30 minutos. Eso significa que no estás obligado a reservar clases de 60 minutos sino que puedes optar por clases de media hora. Sin embargo, si prefieres más de una hora, simplemente puedes canjear más tokens. También puedes comprar packs para que las fichas salgan más baratas. Si compras 20 tokens (Pack20) obtienes un descuento del 5%, con Pack50 es del 7% y cuando compras 100 tokens (Pack100) obtienes un descuento del 10%. Los tokens son válidos por un año y también son transferibles.

Ten en cuenta que se aplican precios fijos a nuestros cursos híbridos, los cursos de autoaprendizaje y los cursos para grupos escolares, por lo que el sistema de tokens no se utiliza para estos tipos de curso.

1 token = 30'

We work with a token system for live lessons. One token is valid for a lesson of 30 minutes, so you are not restricted to the traditional one hour class. You might prefer short sessions of 30 minutes or bundle 3 tokens to do a longer lesson of an hour and a half . We offer tokens packs which come with discounts. With the Pack20 (20 tokens) you get a discount of 5%, the Pack50 contains a 7% discount and our Pack100 offers the biggest saving as it comes with a 10% discount. The tokens are valid for one year and are transferable to another course or person.

Please note that fixed prices apply for our hybrid courses, the self-learning courses and the courses for school groups, so the token system does not apply for these options.

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